Monday, April 10, 2006

Guilty Pleasures.........

I have one.

I love to listen to Radio Reader read by Dick Estelle on NPR on my drive home from work.

It's so nice to be have someone to read to me and have to do none of the reading myself.

Don't get me wrong- I LOVE to read- it's probably my biggest passionate hobby...but to have Dick Estelle read TO me for a half hour is absolute bliss! He usually chooses a book I probably wouldn't have chosen for myself had I been at the bookstore or the library. Occasionally, tho, he will read one that I have read and loved. Even if I didn't like it the first time round I listen, because there are so many ways to phrase things that might change the whole tone of the book for me.

I love it.

I have thought about recording some children's books on tape for my grand kids so their parents can have a night off from reading a bedtime story every once in a while. Let Grandma have a bit of the fun, why don't they?

One in particular I think they might enjoy in a couple of years is a book called "Walter, The Lazy Mouse".

It was my Dad's book and about a year ago, right before he got sick again, he had went thru some books in their basement and had about 10 boxes of books they were going to donate to charity. Daddy told me to go down and sift thru them and see if there was any of interest that I wanted to keep before they gave them away.
First box I looked thru had WALTER in it. I snagged it in a heartbeat and when I went back upstairs I told him I couldn't believe he was going to send Walter away. He laughed and said he hadn't realised Walter was in the group, but he was glad I had rescued him. Walter was one of his first books, you see. Walter has a new home and a place of honor on my bookshelves with a select few others that can be read BY adults to the kids- but not handled by the kids themselves til they are WAY older than 5.

Some things are just way too precious. Like the book called THE HARVESTER that Paulius bought a new copy of and gave to me for a wedding gift. My original copy was literally falling apart at the seams and it is one of my favorite books of all time.

I like being read to better anyway- I can listen all day, but I can't read for more than a couple hours before my eyes start throbbing and I start getting a headache.

Thank goodness for audio books. You know- if I went blind-God Forbid- I don't think they have enough audio books to keep me in as many books as I read a month. The audio books would run out before my life force did.

And do you know what I like to snack on while I read? Cinnamon Toast. YUM!!
With milk in the spring/summer and with coffee in the autumn/winter.

Who could ask for more than all the free time in the world to read, a never-ending platter piled high with fresh cinnamon toast, and a bottomless cup of coffee or glass of milk?
ABSOLUTE HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I suppose it's time for me to go and indulge in another of my guilty pleasures.....sleep.

Ahhhh.....have you ever felt anything as sweet as your very own soft fluffy pillow with the scent of fresh air and sunshine wafting up from the fresh sheets and pillowcases on your freshly made bed?............But that's another story for another day...................................Nighty night!


Vicarious Living said...

Sunny, this is a great post :)

Jennie said...

haha! thanks for posting to me - you're thoughts were very helpful - i'll be reading your blog I know that... :p. AND we must be similar I don't think there is anything better than "all the free time in the world to read, a never-ending platter piled high with fresh cinnamon toast, and a bottomless cup of coffee or glass of milk?
ABSOLUTE HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Couldn't have said it better. Mmmm cinnamon toast... And I like audio books too - it's very soothing - no guilt in that...