Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Organized Chaos....Is there such a thing?

I gotta get my own desk.

Before Paulius came over and we got married, I had bought a HUGE Executive desk for us. It's one of the ultra big ones- two small top drawers, two large file drawers and a large top- big enough for us both to work at.....or so I thought.

I can't deal with it. Paulius and I have two TOTALLY different styles when it comes to our desktops being organized.
When I write, I have to have the top of it cleared off except for the essential computer the monitor,the printer, the mouse and the keyboard. I would prefer that the computer itself be on a shelf under the desk. And MAYBE a drink on top so I don't have to jump up and down while I'm trying to concentrate.
Anything else is just too much clutter for me to deal with and is sooo distracting.

Paulius has a different system. It's what I like to call "Organized Chaos". Sitting on our desktop this moment(and driving me completely NUTS) is the printer, the computer, the keyboard, the monitor, the mouse, the graphics pad, the game-control, the microphone, the headset with microphone, a change bank, two speakers, a pack of cigs, a book, a GuildWars package, all the booklets that come WITH the GuildWars package, a memorex case, two bags of chips a bottle of acetaminophen,, the digital camera, a cup, a glass, two cans of orange soda(one empty and one mine I am drinking as I write this), two plates, a small pair of scissors, a wallet, a comb(mine) a wooden case we keep the mail in, a big pile of assorted papers, and the wireless receiver. He can happily sit and work, write and play games with all that surrounding him.

Not me.

I used to straighten it up before I came to do my writing, but when I do I don't know what half the things are- and Paulius has everyhting in a certain order so he can't find anything when I do and I don't know what the things are to be able to know where it is when he asks for it, so rather than clear it up I just leave it now.
Paulius hardly ever fusses about me "straightening up" the desk, but I KNOW it has to annoy him when I do and then can't find the things he was working with when HE needs them. I have tried and tried to figure out a way to make this one desk thing work for us, but it's impossible. I have my style- and he has his. SOOOOO...

........I SUPPOSE I'll just have to make the supreme sacrifice and buy myself a desk of my own.....
......of course that also means we WILL need another computer for it.
.....I KNOW!!!!! I'll get a LAPTOP for it!! ....and another big comfy office chair!!!
................ I can have my little cubbies for my games, and my music. And I can have all my stuff the way I want the desktop.
..............OWWWWW!! I'll get one of those Computer Armoires!! That way EVERYTHING can be stored out of sight completely when I'm not working!!!
I LIKE that idea!!!!!!
................I have to go now- I need to shop for an armoire.


Terry Chandler said...

Ooh Sunny, don't come look at my desk!

It's total chaos, and there ain't nuttin organized about it.


Anonymous said...

I had this brilliant idea that I would line all the walls of my office with tables so that I would have multiple work stations. Bad idea. Bob took one look at all that pristine real estate and next thing I know he's piled every surface with his stuff ... and I'm working on my laptop on the dinette off the kitchen.


Unknown said...

lol I Have a way of taking over any desk that comes in this house even though we never use them they are still full of my stuff