Thursday, August 16, 2007

Test Results....

Well, damn if that didn't take no time at all to get a call from the doc.

Test results have shown I have a Hiatal Hernia.

Hiatal hernia (hiatus hernia)

A hiatal hernia develops in a small opening in the diaphragm that allows the upper part of the stomach to move up into the chest.

They're taking me off Prilosec and putting me on 300 mg. Zantac twice a day.

Thank god it was something not so serious- altho it's nothing to sneeze at either.
So many in my family have had cancer that I completely come unglued when I have to go for tests now.
My dad died from Prostate cancer(I KNOW- this is one I don't have to worry about at all, but cancer of any type in a family medical history makes it a more real possibility)
My Aunt Dell (affectionately known to me as Toot-Toot)passed away with brain cancer
My Aunt Dottie just had her cancerous eye removed about a month ago
Two of my Aunts on my dad's side have had mastectomies from Breast cancer.
Three of my uncles have prostate cancer as well

So you can see where I would be a bit spooked.

Anyway, that's what the deal is with the test results.
I'm so happy it's something smaller than what I was imagining that I wanna have a party to celebrate now.
Right after I go get my prescription.

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