Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Camping =

Small Saucepan
Cooler (stocked with sammich fixins,eggs, bacon, ice & drinks)
Box (stocked with chips, bread,tins of potted meats,beans, instant coffee & creamer &,extra sodas & plastic eating utensils)
Can Opener & Pocketknife
Fishin' pole & Tackle box
Sleepin' bag
Charcoal & matches or lighter
Small basic first-aid kit

....and if you wanna get posh and cushy about it- take an airbed and a pillow and a camp chair.
Am I forgetting anything important?...Oh and the makins for S'Mores.

Overnight or Weekend Hiking trips for ME are even MORE basic.
A tent and/or sleeping bag, lots of granola bars and nuts, a few tins of potted meats, crackers, water, a first aid kit and matches......... in a backpack.
That's MY kinda camping. Just pack up and go. No Fuss- No Muss- and most importantly, No housework on vacation.


Paulius said...

I'll remind you of 'your' type of camping when I'm eating bacon and eggs and you're chomping on your fifteenth granola bar and asking to use the insect repellent that you didn't think to bring with you.

Sunny said...

I had bacon and eggs listed on my BIG list.

Insect repellent? I use Benadryl.

Sunny said...

*looks for phone book*.....Mumbling under her breath..."On second thought...what is the number for the Hilton in that area?????????
Pool, Room service, A/C, Maid service.............."
*begins looking harder for the phone book and then remembers Directory Assistance is 411............
"Hello? I'd like to book a room....oh, BTW... is pitching a tent on the back lawn of your property allowed???"....

Evan 08 said...

Since you're staying in a state/federal campsite, you probably won't need any water. But you may need a water jug.

Also, you may need a hammer to drive the tent stakes.