Friday, June 12, 2009

Not Quite As Cool As I Thought-(Or Just Call Me Dorothy)

Well, it seems I'm not quite as cool and level-headed as I thought. Not when I'm at home, that is.

At work, when disaster hits, I have a plan, and a back-up plan, and several more plans all the way up to PLAN F just in case I need them. I know what to do, and in what order depending on the situation. I'm Ms. Cool, Collected and Together.

But yesterday, here at Home, I was sitting at the house on the desk computer while Paul played a game on the TV. I heard a train coming by the house as we do on a regular basis since we live only about a hundred yards from the railway track.
Then it dawned on me..........I was hearing the train from the WRONG side of the house.
I jumped up and ran to the front door and opened it just in time to see my brother's Canvas Freestanding awning come flying over his home and slam onto his chain length fence. The grass and smaller trees were bending over sideways and above the stand of trees towards the railway was a huge dark swirling fast moving cloud.

I TOTALLY freaked, yelling for Paul to come quickly, and that we needed to go up to the safety of mom's brick home basement. Then I just dead stopped when I realized I had no way to GET to the safety of mom's basement because no one was here or near that had a key to her house.
So I just stood there in the wind and rain with my mouth open and my brain totally went blank. I didn't have a back-up plan. Not a single, solitary one.
Paul pulled me back into the living room til the storm blew past and held me til I calmed down a bit. But I was totally unprepared.

And THAT scared me more than the storm. Luckily it was just a Severe Thunderstorm with high winds that blew past in about 30 minutes and not a Tornado, but even so..........

We don't have a lot of warning if the TV isn't on when we have these storms blow up, we live too far from Town for the Tornado Sirens to be heard, and we live on the back side of a hill so we can't see what's coming til it's right on top of us. How the Hell can I keep us safe if I'm blindsided on every level?

I'm STILL freaking out about it.......Just Call Me Dorothy-Caught without a plan!!!!


Terry Chandler said...

Girl you need a weather radio. They used to sell them at Bilo's, or Wally world. Check it out.

Sunny said...

I agree.....!!!!!

Astarte said...

I have almost peed my PANTS just reading this!!!! We had an F5 go through just south of us a few years ago, and we had no basement, nothing. I was SO SCARED. We finally live in a house with a basement, and I am SO RELIEVED. Just in case.

I suggest that you get a key for her house and keep it near the door. just in case.

MC Etcher said...

Whew! Glad you guys are ok!