Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Is it as much of a struggle for anyone else, as it is for me, to not act like such an immature child sometimes?

I sometimes wanna just throw a tantrum for no good reason.
Or to sit and eat ice cream and cookies and chips for dinner instead of a balanced meal.
I wanna just ditch work and go off to the lake or the pool and play all day, or to the park and just play on the swings and the slide and wade in the creek like I did when I was a child.
I want to just lie on my back in the shade of a big old maple tree and watch the clouds float overhead and find images in them.
I wanna watch cartoons all day on a rainy day, and I wanna stay up all night watching scary movies and talking about much of nothing(only now with my hubby instead of with my as-immature-as-me girlfriends and sisters).
Just whiling away the hours and wasting a whole day- or week- or three months.

I miss being a child and being FREE to do whatever caught my fancy during the summer break from school.

I've said it once- and I'll say it again.



Unknown said...

i'll agree with that

OzzyC said...

I'd rather be an adult. Life is more complex as we get older, but I for one continue to grow happier (and hopefully wiser) every day.

MC Etcher said...

The wierd thing is, you never really 'grow up', you just get taller.

I'm definitely a big kid. For years, I waited for the "grown up" feeling to hit me. One day I would wake up and be an adult. I'm in my mid-30's and I'm still waiting.