Friday, November 19, 2010

Once and For ALL.......

Once and for all let's get this straight.
Stuffing and Dressing are NOT THE SAME THING!!!!!!

Stuffing goes IN the bird and is of a loose consistency.

Dressing is made with the BROTH of the bird and baked in a separate DISH and firm enough to cut into squares or bars!!!!!

For The Love Of God and Turkey On Thanksgiving Day- DO NOT confuse the two- EVER!!!!!
Families have went to Feud over this subject because new in-laws have confused the two or ones who know better decided to arbitrarily "try something different". Oh No...You have decades old traditions and you might want to try something new- but you have to do it along with the traditional thing, not INSTEAD OF!

Oh My Lord- the Pain!!! The Pain!!!!

(Yes, I AM somewhat of a Drama Queen when it comes to my holiday traditions.)


Evan 08 said...

"...Oh No...You have decades old traditions and you might want to try something new- but you have to do it along with the traditional thing, not INSTEAD OF..."

Sorry, I TOTALLY disagree with you on this one... it's ALWAYS the chef/cook's choice. If it's so important to a given individual to honor the tradition, then it's that individual's responsibility to make sure that item is prepared.

Sunny said...

LOL- well, I say that because if you make it and have some of the traditional thing as well, you get a comparison and if you make it again the next year- it kinda becomes your "thing"...a new tradition. No one is surprised and no one feels their Thanksgiving is ruined because they didnt get the ONE thing that makes it special to them. Ya know?
But I do agree with you on one thing- if you want something specific- you better learn how to make it and bring it yourself!!!

Countess said...

Gosh I'm a little bit scared to comment, but here goes
A) Ive never heard of the dressing you speak of. To us its that runny stuff you drizzle over salad.
B) Yep stuffing goes in the bird :)

But of course I'm from New Zealand, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, so what would I know:)

Sunny said...

Oh Lord- Bless your heart...I know Thanksgiving is an American Tradition...but I can't imagine not having a Day Of Thanks in Every Culture!!