Sunday, January 03, 2016

Resolutions........? I'd Rather It Be A Bucket List, Thank You.

I've never been a big fan of making them- the best I can do and hope to keep is to say I will try to do better and be better than I was the previous year. And that's worked out so far for me.

Well, I may not have posted  much about my weight loss on here- (I have a separate blog for it)- but I've been plugging away at it, anyway. Until Halloween, that is. Then it all seemed to go out the window. Bad weather hit- Halloween with all the goodies- I was a hot mess of eating rubbish. All the way thru December. Then, I weighed the day after Christmas- dreading to look at the numbers- and was seriously confused when I found out I had only gained a lb.


That was a bit worrying considering the amount of sweets and carbs I had consumed over the past couple of months, but then I thought- Why look a gift horse in the mouth? Take it and RUN with it into the new year- and what's more- let's get a head start on those New Year Resolutions everyone is so gun-ho about making. As I said-I've never been a big fan of making them- the best I can do and hope to keep is to say I will try to do better and be better than I was the previous year. And that's worked out so far for me. So that's what I'll continue doing.

I've went back to working with my FitBit and logging all my food and water and exercise and such. I still am in love with that device.

Well, anyway- to finish up the story- I weighed  yesterday morning- a week after my last weigh-in, and according to the scales- after taking care to log everything carefully and be more aware of what I ate- I have lost 7.5 lbs.

I'll take it.

I don't know if it counts as resolutions- but I want to read more this year- since moving over here and getting a job I haven't been able to read as much as I used to. I don't think I've written a single word on my books in the past 6 month, either. At this rate I'll never get them finished. If I had time an energy to do it- there's a few things I'd like to do ....let's call it a Bucket List tho- gives me more time to tick a few off......before I Kick the Bucket.

They include:
Read more books:(I'm also quite the fan of Audio Books thanks to my husband.- He's had me listening to Brian Blessed's autobiographical called Absolute Pandemonium on our trips to his parents house every other weekend. If you get a chance please check it out- he is HYSTERICAL!)
Learn to speak a bit of Italian: I think it's the most beautiful language in the universe.
Finish My Books: I think 5 years is a bit long- but then again, I am working on three at once so maybe it's not.
Buy my own house and be able to hang artwork on the walls: This propping paintings against the walls are for the birds. I do NOT like Rental Properties.
Travel to a few select places in Europe:...heck- even in the UK!!! I've been here almost 5 years and so far I've been to Edinburgh Scotland, Liverpool, St. Helens, and Manchester.
I'd like to go to Spain, Greece, Germany, Ireland(Both North & South), France and maybe Portugal. Just once to all those places to be able to say I've been there.
Maybe I should add Visit the States more often... I'm going to do that anyway, and it's the ONE thing I can tick off that list for SURE!!!

So- any of y'all doing resolutions?


Michael Dodd said...

Congratulations on the weight loss! I don't do resolutions either, but I like the items on your bucket list. And I will check out Brian Blessed's autobiography. I have enjoyed his acting. I like audiobooks, and maybe I can get it through the library.

Like I say, I do not do resolutions but I intend/hope to complete and publish two novels this year, Wacky in WhoVille and Except for His Wings.

As for working on a book for five years, I fiddled with the John of the Cross mystery for ten.

Sunny said...

It was well worth the wait, Michael! I learned a lot as well as enjoying a great story!!