So much going on for me this week.
First of all- remember that promotion i told y'all I might be getting?
Well, I turned it down. Turns out I was going to have to do twice the work for the same amount of money and I told them no thanks.
So they just eliminated my position at the site.
My bossman offered me my choice of 2 twelve-hour shifts on the weekend.....OR.......the second shift position at the site I am at now.
So I took the second shift position. Which means I will be going to work in the daylight and sleeping like a NORMAL person. I'm not sure I can do that. I've worked night shift since 1983 with the exception of a five year stint as a courier from 6AM to 7PM in the mid 90's.
I'm not sure I can DO daylight- I'm a bona-fide child of the night...a real life vampyre.....my skin sizzles in the sunlight.
Secondly- my mom had had a couple of dinner-dates in the past couple of weeks.
Now that is definately something that's gonna take some getting used to. But he's a sweet man- from what I can see so far...so...it'll be okay.
Thirdly- My daughters ultra sound didn't turn out so well.....they couldn't find the babies hearbeat...which the doc explained could mean two things...either the baby has expired and Julie is about to miscarry-OR she's not as far along as they thought and the baby is still too small for them to get a heartbeat. So they rescheduled her for another ultra in two weeks time and told her to go home and take it easy. Ummmmmm- she has 5 boys to contend with- not to mention the BIG guy. Nice try. And I can't help her out because I have a full time job to deal with- as well as looking after my mom. It's gonna be a LONG two weeks. But we will get thru it. Say a lil prayer for her, if ya would.
And I'm gonna end this on a GREAT note....
My baby boy and his wife are having ababy too!!
Just found out today!! And it's due sometimes between Feb 25th(my birthday)- and March 7th-
(His wifes sisters Birthday). I would love to have it born on my b-day- but I think in this case I would rather the baby be born on Mandy's....she passed away three years ago-two weeks before Clay and Kathy's wedding day- in an automobile accident.
I think it would be wonderful if they thought about naming the baby after her as well if it's a girl. But I'll keep my opinions to myself on that one. I'm sure they've thought of it already anyway.
Anywho...that's my news for this week. I don't think I could stand one more bit of excitement this week....but then again- if it's good news- I'll give it a whirl.
jeez...im not sure how to respond to all that. on one hand im so worried about julie and the other im excited that clay and kathy are FINALLY having a baby! didnt think theyd ever. One way or the other you'll get a girl huh? good luck to them both! i have some call to make :)
Wow, that's a whole lot of news!
Losing your job is awful, but sometimes it can be the best thing that can happen. Of course, it never feels like it at the time, it feels like hell.
My goodness! That's a lot to happen in a very short timespan. Hope things work out for you on the job, and that you adapt quickly to the time change.
Will keep Julie in our prayers, sometimes it's just too soon to hear the heart beat.
Great news about your Mom! It will do her a world of good to be wined and dined a bit.
Have a great weekend!
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