Friday, October 19, 2007

Picture Book and a VERY Odd Story.......

I had the ODDEST dream.

Paulius and I had moved into our new house and guess who our new neighbors just happened to be?
Ozzy and Mrs.Ozzy and the Ozzlettes!!! AND they came over for dinner. They brought Ozzys very best friend who just happened to be the tall dark haired guy from the Drew Carey Show and Paulius cooked us all burnt bacon for dinner, which I thought was really odd because he can cook like a mo-fo.
Yeah- that was ALL he cooked.
Then Mrs. Ozzy told me there was a secret room to the house that nobody knew about-and took me into the back hallway and moved a secret panel and it was a closet the size of a football field. I wasreally happy cause that's where I was going to put all my Christmas decorations for storage!
Then the doorbell rang and it was Jacoby from the MTV show SCARRED and he wanted the kids to come out and skate with him and Ozzy and Paulius beat the crap out of him and then called his mom to come get him and take him to the hospital.
Mrs. Ozzy and I thought it was hilarious. Our kids certainly weren't going to go ANYWHERE with Jacoby.
Then Ozzys friend came in with Pizza and I woke up.

And THAT'S what I get for going to bed on an empty stomach and sleeping for more than 4 hours.


Paulius said...


Don't smoke crack.

OzzyC said...

Yep... that's a strange one! I had an odd dream last night too.

Divian said...

All of my dreams are weird...often resulting in me going to and checking it out. I seriously need to destressify myself! :)