Thursday, August 06, 2009

From Scratch or Not From Scratch... THAT is the Question.

Okay- everyone knows what a "from scratch" cake is, right?

Well, I have a WHOLE list of "Totally from scratch" cakes I make. Now for my mom's birthday, she wanted a carrot-cake. I usually make ALL Birthday cakes TOTALLY "from scratch", but OCCASIONALLY I don't feel good, so I sort-of shortcut it.......And I did Mom's cake.(*hangs head in shame*)

I used a boxed white mix, added a cup and a half of finely HAND grated carrots and all the necessary spices and baked it. I then made the icing and decorations totally from scratch.

It turned out great- Mom even called and asked if I had made it with my regular recipe- and I didn't fib- I told her no and asked her why. She said it was awesome and that she liked it better than the other recipe- that it was not so heavy as the other one.
Now- my question is- does using a mix and then adding the extra ingredients count as "from scratch"- or not?


MC Etcher said...

Speaking of ingredients, Cindy made blueberry muffins the other day.

I'd used all the cooking oil a while back and didn't buy more. (I got in trouble for that!)

We used real butter instead, and the muffins were noticably more delicious.

MC Etcher said...

My vote:

Mix + Ingredients does not equal 'from scratch'.

Maybe 'mix plus my own secret ingredient'?

Evan 08 said...

If you had to ask the question, the you already know the answer.

Sunny said...

In actuality, I think that a mix plus other ingredients added = "semi-from scartch". Or "semi Home-made".

From scratch is exactly that- done the hard-but better-way.

marie said...

Absolutly not you CHEATER! :)

Sunny said...

Don't be a BRAT, Marie. LMAO!!!!
When you learn to cook A cake- then you can have a say.

Terry Chandler said...

LOL, I usually let Publix or Strossner's make em "from scratch" for me! You're way too hard on yourself!

Paulius said...

The cake is a lie.

Sunny said...

No it's not- it's in the fridge....and I made it specially for you.

Seacat said...

Computer says...Noooo.
But SeaCat says YES!!!