Saturday, August 01, 2009

A Hope & A Prayer........& A Up-Date........

Ever have one of those days when you wake up and things look so promising, and then before an hour is gone by, things start spiraling downward and you can't quite place what set it in that direction?............

Yeah, me too.

Ever had one that was salvageable?
Well, I'm hoping.............sigh.
Well, an update........
The day was salvaged, after all. We decided to go fishing, so we loaded up the fishing gear and headed off.

Needless to say,us being us, it ended up being one of what I like to call "Life's Little Adventures".
We got there- and even in the shade it was close to a hundred degrees. I got overheated after about 45 minutes and almost completely passed out- Paul managed to get me back to the car and revived me after about 10 minutes with the A/C on full blast. And he drove home.....about 50 miles..... and after all that, we only caught one little 6 inch bream.

Right now- Paul's out in the yard (it's MUCH cooler here now and a bit overcast now and then), getting the grill cranked up so he can cook our dinner. I think he put chicken breasts in marinade while we went fishing.

My husband is my HERO!!!!


Evan 08 said...

Maybe you should change the title of your blog to "The misadventures of..."

Sunny said...

You may be onto something there, Dude.

Sunny said...

I have a New

Evan 08 said...
