Friday, September 08, 2006


I KNEW this would happen. I KNEW IT!!!!

Seems that security was breached on SL and they quickly went about changing everything. Now they have it "fixed".

Well, I had to go reset my password because they had to change all that. Well, lo and behold- I go to the site to change it- and what happens? It is refusing to recognize my answer to the security question.

I hope Paulius can fix this because if he can't I'm gonna be pissed. I sent a mail to support to explain what was happening- but no telling how long it will take to get back to me.

I could set up another acct and avoid all the hoopla- but if I do I lose everything I have acquired on there- not only my material possessions- but my entire contact list as well as all those expensive upgrades for my avatar I had gifted to me to begin with.
I learned that the skin alone would cost over 1200 Linden to replace- and I just got my latex suit!
I KNEW it was too good to be true. And this is exactly the reason I don't do more stuff like this online- because I have crap for luck.

Dammitt!!!!And I think I'm going into DTs too just knowing I can't get on there!
Sum beach.

Double Sum Beach!!!

Double Double SUM BEACH!


Yeah, I'm not it showing?


misty harley said...

HEY! I thought you said you weren't going to be addicted! Or was that confuse real world with internet world? Either's just a latex suite! (btw--what was the name of that game again? Cause, ya know. Husband wants to know ;O)

Sunny said...

uh's Second Life. now "your husband" can go there....
You know you wanna come over Misty!

And i'm not addicted...yet.
I'm really not.

misty harley said...

Thanks, I'll let her, I mean him know.

Sunny said...

NP, Misty.
Hope to see you...I mean him there.
If you want my SL name e-mail me or Paulius and we'll give it to you.

hehehe - and Genius that Paulius is- he fixed my I'm alot calmer
a LOT calmer now.

Okay- just this once- Paulius is the Master.

~rolls eyes~ (Altho in this case he really is and I don't mind admitting it...just this once...)
and the once on his blog as well.
but thats it.

misty harley said...

stop admitting it. It'll go to his and head and you'll never get him back down to earth. LOL! You guys are too funny!

Me, Not You said...

Apparently someone in Misty's house is addicted. She made a post about it refering to you. So I came here to read your post while in another window had Second Life open to check it out.

Well, I see in your post they are having trouble. I check out there site/blog and see they are having trouble.

So now I see all these people talking about Second Life and I can't even check it out because I am unsure of the security thing...
They're messing up my morning and I haven't even tried, let alone become addicted to it yet.

Hmmm.... maybe I should just avoid it all together?

All this chain of drama from a couple little posts. Amazing, isn't it? ;)

misty harley said...

Enigma, they fixed the problem and made all past users re-establish their codes, etc. It's safe now. From what I gather, they caught the issue really quick and fixed it.