*First is my table at the moment. I do more for company- but this is our every day look.
*This next one is the cabinet over the sink where I keep my cookbooks...well, the main ones I use the most, anyway.
I probably should have filled the jars with candy before taking the photos huh?
*This next one is the shelf in the bathroom- yep, even the bathroom isn't exempt from decorations.
*Followed by Our LIVE Christmas Tree. It is smaller than we usually have, and has only about half the decorations I like to put on my tree, but Paulius is used to a barely decorated tree and I'm having top EASE him into my way of decorating for the holidays.
At least we have worked out the whole DATE to decorate for Christmas on. I usually do it the day before and three weeks after Thanksgiving. Paulius thinks you should wait until the 18th of December.
We compromised on the first weekend of December- whatever date that falls on.
As you can see, Santa has already dropped off a few things at our house....Christopher wanted to open a few of them but Paulius told him that if he opened one and peeked before Christmas Morning, all his other prezzies would turn into socks. So Christopher frowned and put the gift back down.
BRILLIANT Paulius!!! Absolute Genius!
*The next one is my tiny snow village. It's about a third of my actual full one but it's all I had the energy to put up this year. Next year it will probably ALL go up.
*Next is Mr. Snowman and his little mini Santa. They've been friends for a few years now and they guard the prezzies under the tree from snoopers!
*I hung our stockings on our coat-rack this year for lack of a proper mantle. Next year maybe we can have that Fireplace finished up and operating!
And yes- we have TWO Santa hats as well.
Paulius looks especially cute in his.
*Again- the Dining Table. I'm not sure WHY this came up twice- So here it is again.
I would have taken more- but the battery in the cam ran down and I couldn't find the charger so you don't get to see the Front Door, or the Entertainment center, or the office area.
Maybe Later...Maybe not.
Happy Holidays, Y'All!!!!!
lovin the villiage
That cannot possibly be even a quarter of your decorations. But they are adorable, cant wait to see the rest of them. Tell Mr.Snowman and Santa that Im going to sic Buddy on them so that I can peek, so beware!
P.S you know Clay would ADORE the live tree. Im so glad you got one, and a little jealous:). My poor artificial tree is naked from Nicholas level down, he likes to rearrang it. Apparantly I, in my infinite wisdom, thought I could have a decorated tree with a 1 1/2 yr old devil running around.
Thank you DBE & BDIL...
You're right, that's only about a third maybe of my village collection out, not to mention it's only about a tenth of my tree decorations. I just couldn't make myself put out more this year. And I am LOVING the real tree again this year!
I've decided to make my artificial tree(big one) into window swags for next years outside decorations.
And you should know better, Marie- that child has my genes and you KNOW how picky I am about my tree. If it were up to me I also would carry my lights around the house with me. You've got your hands full, alright!!
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