Of Mice.........
Logan caught his first mouse today. Well, his first mouse since WE have had him. I found it in the hallway and thought it was his toy mouse and on second glance thought he had torn the stuffing out of it again since it looked considerably smaller than it usually does. However, upon closer inspection,(as in when I reached to pick it up to resew the stuffing back into it) I quickly realized it was a REAL mouse, and the poor thing looked as tho it had been toyed with til death.
We're so proud!!!
I only wish he would eat them when he kills them...or better yet, do the same thing he did with his toy mouse. We had gotten it and it has an motion sensored electronic squeak that made it sound exactly like a real mouse.
We heard him playing with it in the hallway off and on all night long.
Next morning, I got up, walked into the bathroom and lying in the wastebasket was the toy mouse.
Hehehehehe...not a stupid cat, is he?
Of Men............
The cake is NOT a lie.
Paulius has been wanting cake for the past three weeks and has said so on a daily basis altho it's something he RARELY requests.
Considering his blood sugar has been a bit low lately, I made a small- (as in 5" X 5" X 5") chocolate cake and left if in the fridge for him when I went to work.
This morning, he sweetly asked me to not make him any more cake-(except maybe on his Birthday).
I can do that, but whenever he mentions something, if it's in my power to make it so- he gets it.
I think this is going to be harder on me than it is on him.
Did he ask you not to make any more cake b/c you CHEATED at it? JK Vada! and I can make cake. I actually like baking(hate cooking though), I just never have the time or ingrediants for it. But Ill get them and show you:).
Pffft! Yeah, right, Marie.
You bake?
Aren't you the same girl who tried to make a roast and figured if it took an an hour to cook at 250 you could bump the heat up to 500 and cook it in half the time?
Yep, that was you. I still have nightmares about that burnt on the outside, still frozen on the inside piece of nightmare meat.
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