Wednesday, June 14, 2006

That Reminds Me......

Paulius telling about our dog Buddy and his escapades reminds me of when I was a teen. Buddy seems to be going thru his adolesence right now. He acts just like a teenager, trying things out to see what he can get by with.

He walks past the cat and nips at him just so Padme will retaliate and then he has valid grounds to chase him and wrestle a bit. Just like siblings.
He eats the cats food when he has a whole bowl of his own to eat- and then chases the cat off when he tries to eat the dog-food.Just like siblings with human food...ever see two teen boys and a bag of chips?

Buddy actually TATTLED on the cat day before yesterday when the cat was on the table which is a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE NO-NO in our house. He stood in the hallway and woofed until I came to see what was going on and then he just looked back and forth from me to the table til I looked around the corner and caught the cat doing "the bad thing".

Such a BRAT.You could practically SEE the smirk on Buddy's face when I started yelling at Padme.

You cannot tell me that pets don't understand what we say to them. Buddy has seen me yell at Padme a hundred times about climbing on the kitchen table or counters because I have to wash everything down when he does it. I cannot stand the thought of any animal walking on a surface I cook on or eat at. It's my culinary training, I suppose. A few dishes in the sink doesn't bother me, but No Padme on the kitchen surfaces!! Buddy isn't allowed in the food prep area either and Padme's butt gets chunked out the front door when that happens and Buddy KNOWS this. All he has to do is follow Padme around until he inevitably goes into the kitchen and then he tattles on him. He tattled the other day when Padme was IN the trashbin, too. And Buddy does that himself!

So, Buddy, let me let you in on a little secret I learned when I used to sneak up to chat with friends on the phone after hours when I was a teen....always wait at LEAST 30 minutes after the dominate lifeforms go to bed.

And sit somewhere instead of standing up so when a mouse runs over the top of your foot you don't squeal like a girl and jump up on the counter and get caught and grounded when the parents, I mean dominate lifeforms, come running because your squeal wakes them at 3AM.

Not that that ever happened to me, mind you...I'm just, yeah. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


MC Etcher said...

Heard there might be tornadoes in your area! Hope they miss you guys!

Paulius said...

There are ALWAYS tornadoes in are area.

...and I moved 2500 miles from a country that has absolutely no extreme weather.

How clever am I?

Paulius said...

(Sorry, that's 3500 miles...or 3671 miles to be exact)