Friday, August 01, 2008

What a WEEK!!!

My B/P is sky high!!!

I got woke up BOTH days I had to work this week by a "Male-Idiot-Co-Worker" who called me at 2PM to give me a message which could have EASILY waited til I got to work to be delivered to me.
The first time I let it slide because I figured the co-worker was excited about the news. But then yesterday when it happened again, I was PISSED.
I don't like for my professional life and my personal life to cross-over. I have only 3 friends from work that I have given my home phone number to because we are very good friends(All FEMALE btw) and to be honest I wouldn't have minded a tiny BIT had THEY called me at home for a chat. I adore my friends and they know that I sleep til just before I come back in to work and they have enough respect and love for me that they don't call me when I work.

BUT- the co-worker that called me was NOT one of the friends I had given my number to. HE got it off the emergency call-list at work.

So, when I came in with the mother of all headaches from being woke up like that and on two and a half hours sleep, I calmly asked him if our boss-man had asked/told him to call me and give me those messages.
And when he said no-he just took it upon himself to call, I very calmly explained to him that if he ever called me at home again unless it was an emergency or our boss-man SPECIFICLY TOLD told him to call me and give me a message BEFORE I came to work, I would come to work, rip off his arm and beat him to death with it.
Then he wanted to ARGUE about it saying he thought I MIGHT be awake by then......and I got PISSED and told him to use his freaking brain.......It was like me calling HIM up at 2AM when he had to come in to work at 6AM and assuming he MIGHT be up at that time of night/morning just because he had been off work since 6PM!!!!

NO!!! Don't be stupid- just DON'T CALL ME AT HOME!!!!!!

I thought the receptionists were going to fall in the floor when I told him off.
I know it was EXTREMELY unprofessional to do it, but if he hadn't tried to JUSTIFY it with a stupid argument like I "MIGHT have been awake" I just couldn't help myself....My Mouth ran away with me before my brain could stop it. MIGHT does NOT allow for a phone call at that time of day when I have to work and you can easily give me the message when I get here.

He IS an idiot.

I'm hurting so bad right now tummy feels like a giant is twisting it in his hands. I HATE when I'm hurting like this.

Our phone is OUT at the moment, too. I came home from work and went to my moms cardiologist with her and then the bank.....(she tried to get a loan and was turned down because she is deceased) yep the Equifax company has her listed as deceased so she had to go to the bank and straighten that out.
My mom is so funny, all day long every time I said something to her she would say "I don't have to answer that- I'm DEAD!".....hahahahahha. At least she can afford to have a sense of humor about the situation. It'll take a couple weeks to fix the problem but it should be fixed soon and she isn't worried a bit.....annoyed, yes....but not overly concerned-YET.
Anyway, then I came home from THAT and I had to stay up and awake cause the Charter repairman was scheduled to come by and check our phone modem between 1 & 6 PM....and guess what? He STILL hasn't got here 7PM which means my phone probably won't get
looked at until Monday.

At least the "Male-Idiot-Co-Worker" won't be calling me on my days off and waking me up, eh?

Hope all you have a GREAT weekend!!!!

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