Friday, December 04, 2009

Deep Breaths......

Well, dej`a vu all over again...
This is how today went...
5AM- I'm at work, and the Phone rings. I answer.

It's Paul....." Hi Sweetie.... Question...... how much money do we have left this week?"....

Me, (very proud of myself having just worked 2 and a half hours on the budget for this month so we could get everything taken care of without it being so tight we couldn't breathe)..." WE have plenty to fix the kitchen faucette, sweetie."...

Him-" Ummmmmm.....No, This is a completely different thing than the kitchen thing....see, I went to bed and..." at which point my stomach started churning.

OH NO.........

...."and when I looked up at the ceiling, I noticed...."

OH, BLOODY EFFING HELL!!!!!!!!!!...NO NO NOOOOOOOO!!! It can't be... not again- not NOW for Christ-sake!!!!

"this new dark spot on the tiles and so I felt it and it was damp- so I went outside and took a look and...."

I didn't even have to hear the rest of it........... I told him I would call him back in just a few minutes and hung up just as I reached the ladies room and promptly threw up everything I had eaten in the past 12 hours.

15 minutes of puking and dry-heaving later, I finally called him back and let him finish telling me the bad news.

And as for the rest of the story, ..............I believe you have already heard nausem- so I'll let it end here. It's repaired- again- but we won't know if it's actually done any good til the next time it rains hard. We're(I'm) not very optimistic at this point in the game.

Deep Breaths.....Deep breaths...........preferably with a cigarette and a stiff drink chasing it.
Have a GREAT weekend, Y'all!!!!

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