Sunday, February 26, 2006

Awwwww, Poor Baby, I'm So Sorry!!!

My poor Paulius is sick.

I know he told you guys about this a couple of days ago, but I just can't believe it. He was a bit sick a couple days last year -but nothing like this.

He's running a fever, coughing, sneezing, aching all over. His sounds more like a case of the flu than the virus I had.

You know- most men, when they are ill, want to be babied and coddled. Not my Paulius. He's one of those "Just-leave-me-alone-and-let-me-sleep-and-suffer-in-peace" types.
I think the most he has asked for is for me to take the Buddy out to do his business a couple of times and to make him a cup of coffee or tea a couple times and I have to ask him if he wants me to make the coffee or tea. Usually he's only wanting peace and quiet tho. Aren't I the lucky girl.

Unfortunately, I am the hovering, babying, type of wife.
I am having to keep my "can I fluff your pillows?", "can I take your temperature?", "can I get you a glass of juice or an aspirin?", "would you like a back-rub?", "how about a cup of soup or broth?" to a minimum.
And by him being such a fuss-free patient, I sort of made a faux-pas today.

Today, I volunteered to babysit our youngest grandson while his mom & dad moved their belongings to their new place, not thinking about Paulius being ill- he was either in the bed or on the computer-and the kids really have to be out of their place by Tuesday and today was the last full day they had to do any moving. Anyway, he was wonderful about it, he told me he really didn't feel up to the baby being there crying, but he guessed he would be okay. Luckily the baby hadn't had a nap and went straight to sleep, and was all smiles when he woke up from the nap and so he didn't bother Paulius at all. By the time the baby woke up and ate it was almost time for his mama to come pick him up anyway. So it worked out well after all.

Paulius is wonderful about things like that. Being newlyweds, we want time alone, but he ALWAYS understands when one of the kids needs something and I try to do whatever it is they need. But after this past couple of weeks, it will be awhile before we do any babysitting again, and it will be a major catastrophe before ANYONE stays with us other than his parents when they come for their holiday. That's one visit we are very much looking forward to and intend on enjoying to the fullest. He hasn't seen his parents for almost two years, it will be two years and two weeks by the time they get here.

We have so much to do before then. We have got almost all the things we need to get the living-room painted and the new drapes made. All we have to do in the way of real work(besides the painting) is to move all Frank and Marie's stuff to their new place and then put all of our seasonal-(read CHRISTMAS)-stuff in the storage building where Frank and Marie's stuff is now. The just finish painting the fridge and we are done.

BTW- Thank you to all you guys who sent me birthday wishes. I appreciate them all.

I am trying to get hired by the hospital system for reception/registering position. Almost the same thing I am doing now, but with better pay, health and dental benefits, 401K, PTO, sick days, and two weeks vacation a year. It may require me to relocate, but we are planning on doing that anyway, so...okay. I can deal with that.

Anyway, that's it for this weekend. Tomorrow is another day. Let's just hope it's a BETTER week than the past two have been.

Hope y'all have a GREAT Monday!!!


The Idiot Speaketh said...

Sounds like he's a lucky man to have you. If I was in his shape my wife would yell at me "Don't you go dying on my good sheets!"....Hope he gets to feelin better!

MC Etcher said...

Good luck on getting the new job! The bennies alone make it worth it!

The Idiot Speaketh said...

Sunny and Paulius, email me back, I forgot to save your adress and have another question for ya. Thanks.

Silver Creek Mom said...

Hope Paulis is feeling better!

Your good to him.
