Friday, November 16, 2007

To Be- or Not To Be.......No ...Wait..........

Paulius and I have an ongoing battle.

He wants me to use a calculator when I balance the checkbook and I don't like using one.

First of all, I haven't EVER relied on a calculator to do my math for me. I use my good old brain or sometimes even resort to using my ten little fingers for the advanced stuff.
Don't go there.....I can hear you.

Second, I don't get along with mechanical or electronic things very well. If it can screw up and I have it- it will. Has happened before- will happen again so I just want to keep the odds of me messing something up down to a minimum.

Third, I HATE having to use a calculator and then putting it down to have to make the next entry in the checkbook- it wastes time and that's not a commodity I have. I just take the PEN- yes I DO use a pen- and do it all without all that switching back and forth. I get it done in less time and annoyance than if I used the little calculator. And for that matter- what is with those tiny calculators that if you aim a ten-thousandth of an inch too much to one side or the other it screws up the math and you have to start over?

And last, but certainly not least- I'm numbers dyslexic and when I use a calculator or the computer I tend to key in the numbers like it's laid out on the phone and believe me- that can cause some REALLY BAD balances in a checkbook.

I could just leave it all for Paulius to do- but, seeing as I have direct deposit, I never see the check anymore- or get to touch the money and smell that green ink smell as I'm handing it over to someone else(even if it is a bill collector) and I like to see that I actually AM going to work for a I occasionally take over the checkbook balancing once in a while.....usually around the holiday season because I know how much I have left to get and I need some sort of idea as to my budget. I can adjust it according to needs- but I want to have an idea.

So there ya go- To use a Gadget- or Not to use a Gadget....that is the question.

1 comment:

Cindy Breninger said...

I am the worst person ever at math, so I envy you for being able to do your checkbook without a calculator. I would keep doing it the way you have since it seems to be working for you. :)