Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Well???? So WHAT Happened?

I received a forward the other day that I sent out to a few friends as an experiment.
It had an exact time that something would happen the following morning. My time for it to happen was 12:56 in the afternoon.
Others got a different time.

So now for the results......
I didn't hear anything I had wanted to hear- nor did anything extraordinary happen to me at that time. I would have remembered.

Any of you that i sent it to have anything happen at the time you were told?

I hate when that happens- or in this case-doesn't.


lolly said...

It was utter pants!!

I detest those emails that say you must forward on or bad things will happen. I'm too superstitious to delete it, and yet I feel bad forwarding it. Those emails suck!

Anonymous said...

Uh, I didn't forward it. Nutting happened.
