Okay, that's it for me...for a week or so anyway.
I have the house nice and decorated except for the tree which we'll get on Tuesday and have decorated by Friday noon. I have 6 gifts left to wrap and that's done as well.
I have worked OT every week for the past two months because they needed us to work when they had several officers quit and/or turn in their notice.
But I'm tired. And every day I become more and more emotional as Clays birthday approaches.
I pulled 12 hours yesterday and when I came home I was an emotional wreck. So it's time for ME to take a break from it all.
I am NOT going to work ANY OT next weekend- and hopefully go in and work on Sunday night and then be off TWO more days. I asked for the night before and the night of Clays B-day off. And if they schedule me to work I may just take a couple of sedatives and call in anyway. It's not like I'll be of any use on those nights anyway.
I hope they have enough sensitivity and compassion to realize I NEED those days off and give them to me.
The only thing I have "planned" for next weekend is to go get two of my grand-babies and their mom and us all go looking at the Christmas lights together. Maybe a trip to Mickey D's. We will probally go down to my daughters house and see her place decorated as well. I miss my babies. All of them.
I'm not going to send off Christmas Cards this year as well. It's probally the first time in 20 years I haven't done it- but I just can't deal with it this year.
So Happy Holidays to you all in advance. Next Year I'll be sending again.
That's about it- I need to wrap these last 6 gifts and I'm DONE!
I hope you all have a relaxing holiday.
Hugs to Sunny.
All the "babies" miss you also (even though some aren't quite babies anymore :)). Hopefully we'll get to do the christmas light thing, Im looking forward to it.
"...Do Not Disturb..."
Ummmm... you're disturbed enough already.
Lois-Thank you sweetie- I need all the hugs I can get right now......
Marie-I was soooo looking forward to spending some time with you too. Can't you get someone to cover for you or trade shifts on Friday so we can ALL go together?
Ozzy-Why, THANK YOU!!! How sweet of you!
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