Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Shouldn't Have Done That.

Tonight I've been sick as a dog. Came into work- felt fine til I ate some extra dark, extra rich chocolate Birthday cake a co-worker brought me and another co-worker. Rest of tonight I've been back and forth from the office to the restroom alternating between feeling like I'm about to throw up to being close to passing out. It's dang near took my head off with my blood sugar rising so high. I won't be doing THAT again anytime soon.

Good thing I have a couple days off to recuperate. (That was a BIG word).....Uh oh...Gotta run.


Lois said...

Girrrrrl ... When will you learn? This stuff is off limits for you. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

Terry Chandler said...

Uh oh, feel better soon.

Sunny said...

Yeah- I should have KNOWN better.