Monday, September 07, 2009

Since WHEN..........?

Can you believe that some schools in this area are actually sending home Parental PERMISSION SLIPS to be signed before their kids can watch the Obama address to students? Is this just a local thing that's happening or is it happening across the nation as well?

Since when do we NOT give the leader of our nation the respect to actually LISTEN to what he has to say when he addresses us?

Who changed the effing rules with President Obama and exactly WHY the fuck did they change policy NOW?????
I don't like this AT ALL!!!!! It's REALLY pissing me OFF!!!! What a bunch of close-minded, bigoted ASSHOLES.


Michael Dodd said...

Well, the local Catholic bishop here instructed all Catholic schools NOT to show the President's speech.

Terry Chandler said...

That's a reflection of how politically polarized the nation has become.