Monday, June 14, 2010

It's REALLY Pissing Me Off......

Okay, I'm not sure what the hell is going on lately, but I'm noticing that in the past couple of weeks, people have been, on a daily basis, interrupting me in mid-sentence.
REPEATEDLY, in the same conversation.

And I don't like that crap. I'd go so far as saying I really HATE when people do that to me.......I let other people finish what they're saying.....even if I don't agree with it. I let them finish what they're saying and THEN I have my say. So why the hell can't they extend the same common courtesy to me and let me finish MY thoughts and explanations?

If this trend continues, I'm gonna be getting really pissy about it and open my big, fat, red-headed mouth and let the crap hit the fan.

I've had enough- Be Freakin' Warned you damn "Interrupting Cows".!!!!


Kraneia said...

Midway through the paragraph I thought about asking, "why would anyone want to do THAT?" but then I realized that would be INTERRUPTING. :-D

You'd hate the math class I'm currently taking. No one in that class remembers what "raising your hand" means. Drives the instructor nuts. They interrupt him, and each other.... Keep in mind this is a college class. Not kindergarten. ;)

Sunny said...

LOL on interrupting.....altho I feel I have to say that you can feel free to "interrupt" when you're reading my blog-post anytime you'd like. LMBO!!!

That used to drive me nuts in college as well. Didn't seem to bother my professors tho....altho I have to say that college is the one place you probably shouldn't be required to raise your hand like a kid. Just have the courtesy to let others voice their opinion as well before being a buttinski.