Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Moral Of The Story.......

Is pretty much whatever you get out of the story.

My own personal take would be that:
Life is bumpy anyway and all the little detours are just that- detours.
Some are enjoyable-others aren't so much.
The choices that seem to be the best aren't necessarily the best.
The detours that seem like dead ends can be the most rewarding in the end.
You have to always be careful to not rush into anything.
And Short-cuts usually get you there faster but you don't have as nearly an interesting life if you always take them.
.....Finally, never look back- there's no point-it's what's ahead that matters.

Also, always check your fuel, oil and tires before you start out, and be home by dark.
(That's what my dad would tell me anyway.....)

The End.........

(Personal note to Rayray..........I take back the C- and give you an and my hubby were the only ones brave enough to think about it and answer on the comments. I can be a bitch sometimes.)


Sunny said...

Oh and Rayray....

No prize
No prize

No prize.........

Sunny said...

MC- you really should go there for vacation. Plan for around the middle to last of October...the trees will look just like the pic!

Just be sure you don't make a "WRONG TURN".

And yes- there really ARE people like that in those mountains.
real "DELIVERANCE" types.


rayray said...

no prize? oh well.
at least i got the grade i deserved!!! ;)