Came home from work this morning. My Red Victorias Secret terrycloth bathrobe is in the middle of the living room floor. Buddy The DOG is sitting beside it with "that look" on his face and Paulius tells me that Buddy likes ME more than him because Buddy has sat in the living room floor on my bathrobe all night with his nose buried in it "missing me".
(Usually Buddy annoys the heck out of him wanting attention-I can see where Paulius would think Buddy was "Missing" me.)
As Paulius says this, Buddy hangs his head and glances up at me with a sad 'I 'm in trouble, poor puppy-dog' look.
I know then something is up.
I go over, pick up my bathrobe(which BTW , cost almost a hundred and fifty dollars 8 years ago), and hold it up.
There are a dozen palm sized HOLES chewed down the side of the robe and the sleeve is almost COMPLETELY chewed off.
I was so mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ground my jaw- and thru clenched teeth told him to "GO -TO -YOUR -ROOM...NOW."
And he did. Quickly, quietly, with his head hung and with no argument or dawdling whatsoever.
I closed the door and didn't speak for about 10 minutes. I get very quiet when I am really pissed off and Paulius gets worried when I get quiet. With good reason.
So far that sweet little doggie has chewed up; two pair of MY shoes, a sweater, two blankets, and a comforter.............. and now my bathrobe.
I'm trying to decide how to handle this one. The LAST blanket he chewed up was our king sized Velux Blanket- another hundred dollar item.
I want to get him a muzzle- but I have an inkling that Paulius would let him out of it as soon as I went to work- which is also when he(Buddy) has destroyed all the items he has chewed up so far.
He knows I will beat his butt for doing stuff like that- unless I am as pissed as I am now, that is.
I don't DARE try to punish him when I'm this mad. I would lose it.
Any suggestions, my friends? Or do I just go ahead and shoot him and put him out of my misery?
I'll wait for suggestions and consider them all before making a decision.
noo not that face, that cute little face that says I 'm innocent
If nobody's there, the dog should be in a crate.
You should close the door to areas you don't want the dog to access.
It's your responsibility to instill in the dog that you and Paulius are alpha. Until the dog gets the rules, never let him out of your sight.
I don't agree with keeping domestic animals in cages - so I suggest locking away the things that you value until you can train him not to chew stuff.
Neither of those pics are him...lmao- it WAS the same look he was giving me tho. How Paulius missed it is beyond me.
I vote for the crate. I also have a 6month old pup (Maltese plus) and I go to a lot of trouble to put things away and close my husband's studio door (because he WON'T put things away).
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