Sunday, April 19, 2009


Well, the other day, Paul asked me if we had BOUNTY Candy bars over here. I asked him to explain what it consisted of since in England a Three Musketeers bar is called a Milky Way...or vice versa........anyway, he said it was chocolate covered coconut bars....and I told him yes- but they're called a MOUNDS Bar here and if you wanted almonds topping them, that was an ALMOND JOY Bar.

So when we went to the supermarket, I saw one and threw ONE in the basket for him.
But when we got home he looked at it and asked me..."Why'd you get that? I thought you swore off chocolate." And I said..." I got it for YOU- Remember asking me about the BOUNTY BAR?"

Typical....he said, "I ASKED about it-, I didn't say I WANTED one."
So I threw it in the freezer...out of sight, out of mind, you know......or so I thought.

Three days later I come in from starving, but am so tired I can't be bothered to cook, and see the candy sitting there......

Yep- I ate it.

Funny thing was, I expected that to be the end of my chocolate ban.......but it didn't really taste as good as I remembered......and I haven't eaten - or craved- chocolate maybe I can enjoy some chocolate once in a while without it taking over my life.

Plus- since I gave it up- I've lost another 4 pounds!! Yay!!

Baby Steps....Baby Steps.

1 comment:

Astarte said...

That's AMAZING!!!!! One taste of chocolate and I'm in for the long haul. It's not pretty.

And good for you on the 4lbs! You're doing a great job, and I'm totally jealous of your willpower.