....... or has my blog turned depressing lately?
I know there has been a few funny posts , but the general tone seems to have become a grey zone of depression.
Today probably isn't the best time for me to discuss this in depth because I've had a back tooth split in two and absolutely killing me for a couple weeks now- and it finally broke off yesterday. Broke completely in half and at an angle.
And altho it isn't giving me nearly the pain it was, NOW I have a huge sore spot on my tongue from it rubbing against the sharp edge of the broken tooth. My tongue is actually swollen meaning I can't talk nearly as much as I normally do.
*Enter Paulius with big cheesy grin on his face*
Yeah. On the upside he made me Lobster for dinner....first time I ever had it so wish me luck.
Lobster and fries for dinner by my wonderful hubby.....The taste was sort of like slightly fishy tasting chicken with lemon butter.
Unfortunately, I couldn't eat but a couple bites before my mouth started giving me fits and I had to give it up.
But beside that- the lobster was okay- but I would have MUCH rather have a nice bloody, rare steak.
Especially at the price we paid.
Keep surprising me, sweetie- it's what I love most about you- you always manage to surprise me and keep me laughing.
I Love You.
Poor Sunny. We gotta get that tooth fixed so you can chomp down on some steak! Till then it's tapioca for you. :P
Glad I have a shellfish allergy b/c your description of lobster was ... ick.
Hope things get better REAL soon!
Yeah, I think your blog has a downer tone lately, but don't sweat it. We're still here for you.
It sounds like you didn't get the freshest lobster around... please give it another try when you can get some of the fresh stuff.
I never tried lobster - and I saw lots of adverts for 'Red Lobster' while I was in the US.....I will try it one day...
Saffy xx
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