Sunday, May 03, 2009

I Heard God Today.....

I'm pulling receptionist duty at the front desk at work tonight.
Karen and I were sitting there chatting and out of nowhere we heard a voice saying.."Sunny....Can you hear me?....Sunny?" We're both looking around everywhere and there is NO ONE in the area at all and that voice sounds like it's standing next to us.
We looked at each other in amazement trying to figure out what was going on.
Twice more we heard this voice and then we realized it was my inter-building communications device....It's been acting up lately and instead of asking properly if I could take a call- it just put it was a co-worker letting me know she was coming in for a special project tonight and would be in the building.


Lord- me and Karen was laughing our butts off....we thought we had heard the voice of God....(I always KNEW God was a SHE!!!!!)


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