Monday, March 27, 2006

I. Have. Had. It!

With those damn animals. Now I know that in a few days I will have gotten over this feeling, but right now I could just do without all the shit from those two animals. Mostly that damn dog.
I REALISE that he's just a puppy. I REALIZE that he will be trained....SOMEDAY.
But right now he is at the 5 year old by human standard age. He is testing us at every turn and it is ROYALLY pissing me off. I work my ass off at work all night and when I come in, I don't mind in the least letting him out to do his business and then putting him up. It's the opening the door and finding the little bastard out of the laundry-room where he is supposed to stay during the night to keep him out of mischief that makes me mad. And the fact that he's up to his rear haunches in the garbage bin which he has turned over and the contents he has strewn all over the kitchen and hallway that has me miffed. All I want to do when I come in is to sit down and relax for a few minutes and unwind , maybe make a piece of toast or have an egg. Instead I have to clean up the kitchen and the hall where he has been "just being a puppy."
I let him out while I am doing this, just to save time, and while I'm cleaning up the refuse, what do I find but a couple of big ole piles of doggie poo. Very fresh and very pungent.
Owwwww- sweet. So much for eating a bite before lying down after going all night with nothing to eat but a sandwich before walking out the door.
So I clean that up as well.

Then I try and get the puppy to come back in so I can FINALLY lie down. He runs to me- then stops about 6 feet from me and lies down- refusing to come any closer and no amount of calling, or gesturing or offering a treat will get him closer. then I resort to speaking gruffly to him... ORDERING him "IN THIS INSTANT"!

He looks at me like" that's gonna happen."
So I go out and try to get my hands on him.

NOT gonna happen.

If I get withing an arms length and two inches of him - he bolts. I try walking, creeping, rushing him- nothing works. This goes on for about 15 minutes. I am ready to leave his little bouffant hair-do furred ass out there and let the stray cats have him for dinner. I come back in and cool off for a few minutes, and then go out and try it again. And finally after about two hours of cleaning up after, calling, and chasing the little bastard I finally wear him out enough that I get my hands on him and bodily haul his fat ass back into the house. Then he has the moxie to go to the cabinet and whine for a treat.

Like THAT'S gonna happen after him running me all over BFE.

He thinks that if he is back inside he gets a treat for BEING inside. I try and explain that no, it's not just BEING inside that he gets rewarded with a treat for- it's him coming when he is CALLED without me having to spend an hour chasing him down AND not turning the trash bin over at all.
He looks at me like I am the doggie poo for disappointing him with no treat.

He also annoys the cat- and in all honesty, the cat annoys him right back when the best thing he could do is to just leave the puppy alone, for Gods Sake.

But no....that would just be wrong. The puppy MUST be taught a lesson and by God, the cat is JUST the being to do it. So they battle back and forth all day long and I am afraid that one of them is going to be hurt very soon, because Buddy is getting BIG and doesn't realise his strength and ,conversely, the cat hasn't really shown Buddy what a REAL cat-fight is or could be.

I don't know who to put the money on either.

I just don't want to have to deal with training the puppy. Paulius has been missing his dog Jake, like crazy and since that puppy showed up and was a stray, I thought it would give Paulius something to keep him occupied and to keep him company while I'm not home and also maybe ease the missing Jake - at least not quite so much. Paulius TOLD me I would have to be involved with the puppys training too, but to be quite honest, if I had known I was going to be THIS involved in the mornings with having to do all this crap(literally) during his training phase, I would have nixed the puppy idea in the bud. I just don't deal with stress well when I first come home from work- nor when it's time for my monthly visit from Aunty Flo. I don't even like humans that much during that time- let alone a pesky little mutt who seriously does things just to see how far he can go without getting in trouble ....and even then he will weigh the reward against the consequences and sometimes (meaning most of the time) he will do the thing anyway- regardless of the punishment. I don't mind being involved in the puppy training- just not first thing in the morning or when dealing with Flo.

It's driving me crazy.

Sometimes Buddy & Padme are sweet and cuddly and I just love them to death. But those times are few and far between right now and I am NOT handling it well at all.

Okay- rant over......for now.

Thanks for letting me vent.


MC Etcher said...

My Mother In Law adopts older dogs (like, 8 years old), and they are a lot less trouble around the house... if you can stand the heartbreak when they pass away. I don't think I could.

misty harley said...

Get a chain, attached it to a few cinderblocks and easily accessible from the door. Put the dog on the chain.

That way, all you have to do is grab one end of the chain and yank his furry butt into the house whenever you please.

Sunny said...

Ser- I love the mutt and fat-cat myself.
What can we do?

MC- I had a Maine coon cat and it passed away and it about KILLED me when he died. I was absolutely heartbroken. I have one now,Malibu, altho she's an outside cat by HER choice- and she's getting very old too. It will break my heart when she passes on too.

Misty- Nope- that's one thing I refuse to do. I absolutely detest people who have animals and put them on chains in the yard. Not for me.But thanks for the suggestion.

Vicarious Living said...

And I was just thinking how much I wanted a pet. Maybe a kitten and a puppy so they could "grow up together" and be friends.

Thanks for the dose of reality! I bet they are the cutest angels when they're sleeping tho....

misty harley said...

Oops, sorry Sunny. I do use a chain leash, but that is only because I have the greatest escape artist ever. He can dig under fences until he finds where they are buried and then wiggles out. He jumps over shorter fences and climbs over taller fences. And he is a runner, so when he gets free--he is gone. We live near a busy highway and I don't want him run over. He's not on it much though.

Again, sorry! Hope you don't detest me too much.

Sunny said...

Okay- I DO detest people who KEEP doggies on a chain ALL THE TIME. I realize there are times you have to put them on a run chain for their own safety.

As long as you're not one of those people who keep their babies out in the elements chained to one spot all the time- you're good.

Sunny said...

Cindy- Pets are good. but if you decide to get a couple- get two of the same species. They keep each other company and do MUCH better than either different species or even same species-different ages.

Kitties are practically no- maintainence. All you have to do is clean the litter box and get an automatic feeder and water-er and they're good to go.

puppies- not so much......

misty harley said...

Nah, he's not kept. Well, he is kept, just not on a chain. He's an indoor dog.

Whew, that was close huh?