Thursday, July 05, 2007

I See No Good Coming From This Experiment.

On July 25th, George Nori is planning on experimenting with a Ouija board on air.

Speaking from experience- BAD BAD IDEA!

Now I don't want to come off as some kinda kook.....(Too Late?)....but almost every female in my family on my mom's side is "tuned in" when it comes to psychic abilities-(a couple of the guys as well but they aren't as open about it as the women are)-, in one way or another. In the mountain area where they originated from we would all be called "mountain witches". When we all get together strange things happen. Sometimes it only takes a couple of us together for strange things to begin happening. A few of us tried a seance once- it was not a good experience. I don't care to repeat it.

I also believe that the more people that passionately believe in something- the better the chance that things actually WILL happen.

Now, imagine, if you will, putting those two things together. You have a LOT of "sensitive" people out there that listen to Coast-To-Coast on a nightly basis. You also have a lot of people who aren't "sensitive" but passionately believe in the things that are discussed on that show. And those believers are in the millions.

Mr. Nori says he isn't doing this experiment to unleash anything on the world- in fact he emphatically says he hopes nothing does happen out of the ordinary. But he's playing with fire- and with all the believers listening to him it's going to be a HUGE mistake.

Mark my words.


MC Etcher said...

seek and ye shall find... why would anyone want to find spooky spirits? not me!

lolly said...

This guiy sounds like a whack job!