Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I figured it out!!!

As you guys know- I lost my books on the computer that got fried a few months ago. So I'm having to start over. On the one hand, the first one I backed up a bit- so it's not COMPLETELY lost. The second one tho- I started it several times but just couldn't get the storyline so it worked seamlessly. On the drive home this morning I figured it out.

So now I am off to get it down on paper before I forget it.

That would just piss me off.


OzzyC said...

Don't ya love it when things come together?

MC Etcher said...

I was just about to ask when we'd see more of your writing...

Yes please! :o)

Also, if you publish before Paulius, I'll bet that would motivate him too...

Sunny said...

I know- I would love to be published soon and I've been trying to motivate Paulius to write more, but he seems to be in a bit of a blue funk because we haven't heard anything else about his work permit from the INS.
Hopefully soon tho, and to be perfectly honest I can understand him not being very motivated to do much of anything. He keeps the same schedule as me -with the added UN-benefit of not being out in the real world very much.
We don't have much time to just go "out".
Hopefully THAT will change soon too.

Ozzy- I do love it when a plan comes together...no matter what plan it is!!

MC- Question for you.....is that a REAL pic of you on the Etch-a Sketch?

MC Etcher said...

Yeap, real pic of me. I posted the normal, un-grainy version on my blog a few months ago

Vicarious Living said...
