I heard a country song on the radio today that made me laugh my ass off.
I didn't catch the title of it- but it was something about being "So Much Cooler Online".
How honest are we online?
Me? I'm pretty damn honest about myself to YOU guys. You know how old I am- how many kids and grand-kids I have, and that I'm married to the man I consider to be the most wonderful in the world.
You also know I am blond, blue eyed, 5'6" tall and battling a bit of a weight problem, as well as a blood-pressure problem.
You know I love anything chocolate(which might can account for a good part of the weight issues since when I went on a chocolate abstinence the weight seems to be dropping MUCH faster) and I detest women drivers and my job.
You know I own a dog and have graciously been allowed to remain in the cats home....for the time being, that is.
I have some issues. Quite a few.
But ONLINE, I am a perfect-figured princess. I look nothing like I do irl except that I DID have that body when I was 19. BHK. (Before Having Kids). Seriously, I had long blond hair and a 19 inch waist. Do you KNOW how hard it is to find a pair of jeans that will go over 36 inch hips and still fit a 19 inch waist?
Anyway- I would be HAPPY to have that problem now as my ONLY issue.
I have pretty much the same personality online as I do irl. I like to talk both places, I have a smart-mouth both places- I am extremely jealous both places when it comes to my man- and I have a vicious temper both places. I also make friends easily but have a hard time keeping them in both places.
Wonder why?
I have seen people online that I know and when they describe themselves to others I think "WHO the HELL are YOU talking about?". You're 5'2 and a size 20. You have a jet-black Mohawk, and black make-up and you live in your parents basement and you're a GUY!!!!!.....the person you was describing is 5'10, all legs, a size 0 and has long blond curls to HER butt and lives in Palm Springs next door to Jack Nicholson and Julia Roberts. W-T-F???????
Do you not think that if or when this person actually meets you or sees a pic of you they won't notice those tiny discrepancies?
Effing Hell.
I can honestly say that I have flat out lied a couple of times when I met new people online about what I do for a living. Hubby asked why I did that and I told him ,honestly, that when I first meet someone- it's not a good idea to give out ALL the correct information....especially when you work in law enforcement of any type. Not only a bad idea for you, but for any people you love as well. You learn to be careful. So yes- I HAVE given out false information at times.....but for a very good reason.
But as I said- you guys know all about me. The REAL me cause I sure don't cut y'all any slack about my life.
So thank you for letting me be me.
It's easier to keep your lies straight if you're not telling any.
True- thats why I don't usually TELL any lies.
But If I deem a person trustworthy, then I tell them the truth about what I do.
I just don't trust one on one online relationships easily.
I've heard a bit of that song. He also has one called something like "I'd Like to Check You for Ticks" which struck me as a brilliantly hilarious come on.
I have to admit that I've created a few...fictional internet avatars, but never with anyone I actually met or planned to meet.
MC Etcher is the real me. Except he has a spell checker.
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