Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cardiologist Visit

Just to let you know- I went to the Cardiologists today- he detected some abnormalities, so he had me do a stress test in the office. I didn't make it thru the entire test before I semi-collapsed, and so the doc has me scheduled for a Cardiac Cath in the morning first thing to determine any arterial blockage.

If it's minor- they'll give me some meds- if it's a bit worse, it'll be some sort of angioplasty or worse-case scenerio- bypass surgery which I do NOT expect.....I have some problems but I doubt they are that bad.

I'll be at the hospital for most of the day tomorrow- and recuperating the following day.

I've decided that March is a bad luck month for me- therefore I won't be DOING the month of March anymore.

I'll update after I get home tomorrow.....maybe the morning after if I feel too out of it when I get home.

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