Today I'm going to talk about something that is very NEAR & DEAR to my heart.....
.......BTW- did you know its only 165 days til Christmas Eve??
Time to start pulling out the decorations and inventorying them. What kind of tree will I have this year? Real- or Artificial?
Green or white or silver? Noble or Douglad fir?
So many decisions to make!
My main problem is how MANY trees I can get by with puttting up before Paulius goes bezerker on me. One year i had 7 trees up- all different sizes and shapes. It was GREAT!!
He put up the Christmas village last year and did a FANTASTIC job of it.....I think that will be his project this year as well....IF he wants to that is.
Best holiday ever!!
Best season, however, is Autumn. Not too hot- Not too cold..... But THAT'S another blog for another day.
Merry Christmas to all-
and to all a good night!!!!
(bangs head on wall)
Hi Sunny Girl! Topcat/Terry here. Lois sent me your link, so I thought I'd pop in and say hi...and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a miniature sleigh and 8 tiny reindeer! LOL. I've been missing you!
I received my first batch of 2006 calendars in May. My first batch of Christmas books in July. And someone asked for a Thanksgiving book yesterday. I simply walked away.
Christmas if fun; makes me miss my family tho. But there is nothing like Fall! Cozy sweaters and hot cider (even if I don't drink it, it's still a nice image!)
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