How do you name your pets?
I tend to watch them for a day or two and see what their personalities throw at me.
Sometimes I look at them and they just remind me of someone- or something specificly.
Sometimes I'm influenced by a character in a book I have been recently reading or a movie I particularly loved.
My last dog was a registered Dashund called "Rudolph Valentio Jar-Jar Binks".
No Joke- he was the most loveable affectionate puppy I had ever seen, (thus the Rudolph Valentino) But he was the clumsiest, most stupid goofus I have ever seen too- (thus the Jar-Jar-Binks). He would trip over his own ears trying to get to you to be petted.
It facinates me how people come to name their pets.
And their children...OMG- Don't even get me started on THAT subject.
My Pet names tend to be simple.
I called my first dog 'Cocoa', because she had chocolate coloured spots.
Next dog was named Jake, or Jacob when he was bad. I called him jake because he just looked like a Jake.
I had a budgie named 'Geordie', because I was a Star Trek fan at the time, and heard that budgies found words ending in an 'ee' sound easier to say.
and I just called the new kitten Padme, because I'd just watched episode III. Although she thinks her name is "ARRRRGH!!! That's my leg, you little shit! Look, she's drawn blood!"
I usually go with something their appearance invokes in me.
My parents gave their new cat the name I would have gotten if I was a girl.
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