Ahhhhhh- finally!! My days off!!
Went for my docs appointment this morning. Everything looks good. My blood pressure was a bit high- but it's to be expected. Doc said I had lost 25 pounds since my last regular visit(in February) (thirty pounds total)and she said I was doing GREAT!
My blood sugar was right on target-at 100, and the only change she suggested was in my diet- instead of drinking Grapefruit juice (which I don't do anyway because I'm allergic to citric acid) she wants me to replace it with Cranberry juice to reduce the risk of another UTI with results like I had at the beginning of the month.
No problem- I LIKE Cranberry juice.
All in all I was very happy with the results of the visit today.
Tomorrow I go for my Diabetic Consultation for my Diabetic Education classes. I'm interested to see what they have to say about all that. I'm NOT looking forward to having to stick my finger two or three times a day to check my blood sugar, tho.
Ah well, I suppose you have to take the good with the bad!
Slowly my life seems to be getting somewhat back to some semblance of "Normal" whatever the heck that is.
I still have my melancholy days when i brood about Clay and My Dad and cry over the should have, would have, could haves I missed. But all in all, I am trying to occupy my time and fill my days with all the joy and happiness I can muster and conjure. Having so many loved ones around me helps immensely.
Also having the two dogs helps too. it's almost like having two five year olds running around.
They annoy the bejesus out of each other and I swear, to be so little, Barney sounds like a herd of horses when he runs around the halls and when they wrestle in the living room floor.
I am still getting my strength back a bit at a time too. I worked last night for 12 hours and the last two were spent in one of the big comfy chairs in the Doctors lounge in between my rounds. I just can't quite make it all the way thru a 12 hour shift without taking a quiet rest the last two hours. Then when I went to the doctors office, I was so tired(it was a couple hours after I got off work and didn't have time for a nap before going in)I climbed up on the examining table and almost fell asleep there before the doctor came in. She laughed when she came in and told me to stay there and that it would take a couple of months for me to get back to full steam and to rest as much as I felt like I needed to until then. I intend on doing JUST that, too.
Paulius and I have our 4 year anniversary coming up next month!
How time flies by.
We have several anniversaries we try to celebrate. We met/e-mailed for the first time in late October almost 10 years ago!! Can you believe it????
We met face to face for the first time in mid May two years later.
We finally got him back here so we could be married on April 4th of 2004, And We were married mid May six weeks later! Almost on the EXACT date we had met for the first time face to face almost three years earlier!!!!!!
We didn't get to celebrate our April 4th anniversary this year cause I was hospitalised that day and it just slipped our minds, but I just wanted to say- I didn't totally forget about it, My darling Paulius. Seeing you in that airport coming back to me was one of the happiest days of my life and I will never for get how wonderful it was(and still IS) to be in your arms again.
So- Happy Homecoming Anniversary, My Darling Husband.
I Love You With All My Heart and Soul.
1 comment:
Everything looks good...
Glad to hear it
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