Friday, August 17, 2007


WARNING: Side effects of Medication includes......Headache, dizziness,constipation or diarrhea.(Sounds like the Flu if you ask me.) Also, blurred vision, mental/mood changes, agitation, confusion,depression and/or hallucinations.(Sounds like PMS and being blond if ya ask me.)
Also listed is rashes, swelling, severe tiredness, irregular heartbeat, fever, sore throat, cough, severe abdominal pain-(isn't severe abdominal pain what it's supposed to be TREATING?), severe dizziness and (I KID YOU NOT) enlarged breasts.
Since WHEN is THAT a BAD side effect?

Yeah- despite all that I AM still taking the meds.
I don't know why tho.


Vicarious Living said...

hmm - so basically, taking this medicine could get you a day off from work and a date for the evening?

Aunt Jackie said...

Contraindications are scary... Yyeeeahhhk! I'm telling you, think it away!

Sunny said...

VL-Yep- and with big ole hooties like that I'd say WHOOOOO HOOOOO!!!

AJ-Oh believe me- I tried for three years to do the positive thinking thing....didn't work so finally resorted to a MD.....sigh......