Thursday, August 16, 2007

I Hurt.

I don't feel well at all. My head hurts and my tummy feels like I'm carrying a 20 pound bowling ball around in it. I feel like I'm going to throw up at any second.

I'm gonna sleep as long as humanly possible today.

And then I'm gonna sleep some more.

On the upside- I have the sweetest hubby- he made me some scrambled eggs in the hopes it will settle my tummy a bit.

I adore him.


Anonymous said...

Now, see ... that's what you get for chugging barium. Drink lots and lots of water, then drink some more. You'll feel better as soon as it works its way out of your system.

Sending hugs and sympathy,

Divian said...

I was feeling woozy about five minutes ago.

But then again, it was probably caused by the dump one of the kids left in toilet I just had to flush. I have a very bad gag reflex.

Hope you get to feeling better soon! And your hubby is a sweetie!

Sunny said...

Lois- I know, I know...but I LOVE radioactive milkshakes....I don't WANNA give them up!!!

I been drinking LOADS of water....and after sleeping all day I DO feel better.
Thx Sis.

Awaiting- EWWWWwwwww!!!I know- is it so had to remember to trip the lever? What is WRONG with Kids.
Good way to make 'em remember next time is every time THEY don't flush- make them come flush every time someone ELSE goes potty for a day. That'll get their attention QUICK!


Sunny said...

That actually should read "is it so HARD to remember to trip the lever?"

My fingers aren't wanting to work right yet......must be the radioactive milkshakes still in my system.

Aunt Jackie said...

Ewwww!! Eggs never settle my stomach... Yucky. I can only eat eggs--sometimes.