Saturday, January 17, 2009


Blogger Paulius said...Ammendum: I changed the tire, went with her to buy anti-freeze, we spent our last twenty bucks on it...and when we went to put it in, there was already anti-freeze in it.

I soooooo didn't remember us putting it in...Neither did Paul or my son til we opened it up and he(Frank) thought long and hard about it. So it's NOT just me. It's all of us having a brain fart.'s not the's not water in the system....and I'm almost a hundred % sure it's not the starter or solenoid because it starts up just fine when it's not cold out.

Could it be because I need to put thinner oil in it now that the weather is cold- cold????

I DID put a towel around the battery when we got back in hopes it won't get so cold it won't start again in the morning.
I mean- I WORK nights and get off at 6AM- I've been going out and starting the car every hour and a half so it will start- but Friday morning I was almost 10AM getting home because by 2 in the morning the car wouldn't start WITH me cranking it every hour and a half. I don't want to be 10 coming in EVERY morning I work, for Christ- sake!!!
12 hours is more than enough for me to be at that place, no matter how much I like my co-workers...besides- they all go home at 7AM and I'm left there with the day crew who I don't know that well- but that's neither here nor there.......... I just wanna come HOME when I get off work, not stay there waiting for the sun to come out and warm that Prima Donna Car.

I'm so fed up with it....and I'm PRETTY SURE you guys are tired of hearing me whine about it, too.
I'm finishing my coffee and going to bed. Things will hopefully look better in the morning.

Later Y'all!!!!!

1 comment:

Paulius said...

You're asleep now so I'll write this here in case I forget to tell you.

I don't think it's the battery at all. What I'd suggest is when it's being left overnight, cover the entire engine compartment with a blanket, or at least the front grille.