Sunday, January 04, 2009

Yep-Today's Definately THE Day.......

Yep- Sitting here getting ready to take down my tree now.......
Just Diiiiiinking my coffee and getting ready to get started..................

Yep, gonna vacuum the carpet and then get started taaaaaaaking it down..........


Just taking one last look..................................

Oh My GOSH! I had no idea it was this late in the afternoon!! I need to make some LUNCH now....

...........Wonder if K needs to have a bit of a chat........and L comes home from her trip today too.........haven't talked to her in two weeks!!!!
Oh, well....... That tree may have to wait til later tonight....or maybe tomorrow morning.........I have so much to take care of today!!!...........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're cracking me up!